would you define ’Success’? It’s a relative term, what means ’success’ for some
may not be true for others. There is even a joke about success being relative,
“More the success, More the relatives”. For some success means climbing Mount
Everest, for others success means becoming a millionaire. Some have found
success in home based businesses or garage-startups while others have found
success by starting an industry.
goes out to become a failure, circumstances and luck play an important part
too. There are umpteen sayings about success like “Failures are the stepping
stones to success” but these have been repeated so often that they have become
cliché. People just don’t pay attention to them anymore. May be that’s the
reason why every other day a book about success gets published. Only they
change the title into a fancy name like ’Chicken Soup for the Soul’ or
something of that kind. We are all in search for that elusive thing called ’success’,
but Hey…it may not be so elusive after all, it may just be around the corner, so
just hold on to your seat belts folks…here’s one to ’Success’..Cheers…!