Wednesday, 21 November 2018

American English vs British English

A joke I read long time ago perfectly sums up the difference between American English vs British English.

An American and a Britisher are waiting for an elevator. The elevator arrives and they both get inside and the Britisher says ...."Well it took a long time for the lift to arrive....." the American says..... "it is not called a lift...... it is an elevator because we invented it you see...." to which the Britisher replies....."but we invented the language you see...!!!"

Monday, 19 February 2018

Client: Mitsubishi Motors

Client: Mitsubishi Motors

     I wrote the digital and print media posts besides writing their official blog -for HMFCL (Hindustan Motors Finance Corporation Limited) manufacturers & marketers of Mitsubishi cars in India.

     Came up with a new campaign called the Red Diamond Program to increase customer engagement. It is a referral program exclusively for Mitsubishi customers and was launched all over India as a national campaign.

     Came  up with a service campaign called Red Shield Program, apart from running the campaign for summer maintenance of Mitsubishi cars.

    Thoroughly proof checked the official brochures of their cars the Pajero Sport and Montero. Added and edited the portions where required.